Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Railway stations in China

some personal impressions from my trip to China

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ruimte en Mobiliteit Meeting 10 December 2010

Meeting minutes available on BlackBoard blog.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Plane, trains and automobiles

From Yglesias:

Trains, Planes, and Pollution

Fun chart from my colleagues:

What’s more, not only is intercity rail energy efficient compared to other means of transportation but it’s typically electricity which can be produced with much less pollution per unit of energy output. With automobiles, of course, we’re all looking forward to the future of electrification as well. But I’ve never heard anyone outline a remotely credible low-pollution alternative to jet fuel. Now obviously there are also distances across which rail doesn’t work as a credible alternative to air travel. But for shorter distance flights it’s important to understand that air travel is currently benefitting from a major unpriced externality in the form of air pollution. If we started taxing greenhouse gas pollution, then rail starts looking like a much better option on a range of short routes that are currently popular for air travel.
For example, today there seem to be almost 30 flights daily between Seattle and Portland. Clearly a lot of people are making the trip. If you built a high-speed rail connection, a lot of people would take that. But how many would obviously depend heavily on how the price compared to the price of those flights. And that in turn would have a great deal to do with how we price pollution.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Exit RO (Jaap Modder in Deltametropool's Private Pick)

Drs. J.J. (Jaap) Modder
Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen, voorzitter

Het regeerakkoord :“Het kabinet komt met voorstellen de ruimtelijke ordening meer over te laten aan provincies en gemeenten”. Was getekend: Rutte, Verhagen en (in gedoogstand) Wilders. Inmiddels blijkt dat VROM al bijna gesloopt is, de website ging een uur na de bordes scène uit de lucht. Het is even wennen, van de ene op de andere dag hebben we geen ministerie van ruimtelijke ordening meer. Het wordt keurig in stukjes gehakt. Wat vroeger Volkshuisvesting heette, de laatste jaren Wonen, Wijken en Integratie, wordt overgeheveld naar Binnenlandse Zaken (BZK). Voor verstedelijkingsbeleid moeten we nu naar Donner. En ook de Rijksgebouwendienst, zo vaak ingezet om ruimtelijk kwaliteitsbeleid mee vorm mee te geven, gaat mee. Rijksbouwmeester van der Pol moet haar bureautje bij VROM ook leegruimen en gaat naar Donner. Een andere grote poot, Milieu, gaat naar Verkeer en Waterstaat, nu Infrastructuur en Milieu. Dan resteert bij VROM nog het directoraat generaal Ruimte dat een zoveelste afslankingskuur gaat doormaken en mag aanschuiven bij Infrastructuur en Milieu. Na een halve eeuw nationaal ruimtelijk beleid en een eigen ministerie verdwijnen beide in de marge van het nieuwe regeringsbeleid.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

RUG UVA Workshop

Short report on RUG UVA Workshop here

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Is the Digital Age Changing Our Desire to Drive?

More interesting stats from the US and Canada. 2 quotes:
Short commutes and proximity to transit are major factors attracting apartment dwellers to certain properties. When polled by GWLRA and Harris/Decima, 36% of apartment dwellers (owners and renters) selected their building for its short commute and 48% for transit proximity.
In the United States, kilometers driven by 18–34 year olds is declining, and this is likely the case in Canada as well (Neff, 2010). Younger generations seem to have less interest in automotive use, making apartment living in dense, walkable and transit-oriented urban areas a more natural fit for their lifestyles.
More here. And here as well (Relevant stuff for the Groningen people!)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Presentation at UvA-RUG workshop (5nov)

A WOW view of Amsterdam

Commercial for Nike with Nalden showing his Amsterdam (check his beautiful blog here). Camera technique is called 'tilt shift'. This shows the world in miniature view...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Paper in Verkeerskunde

Computerinstrumenten ondersteunen strategische planning

Wat we kunnen leren van het ontwerp van een gasfornuis 
Marco te Brömmelstroet - Universiteit van Amsterdam
Planologen en verkeerskundigen werken beide aan ruimtelijke strategieën. In de beleidspraktijk bestaat er een grote kloof tussen deze ruimtelijke planners, terwijl integrale en afgestemde planning noodzakelijk is voor de duurzame ruimtelijke ontwikkeling van steden en regio’s. Eén van de redenen voor deze kloof lijkt het ontbreken van een gemeenschappelijke professionele taal te zijn. Hoewel er in de loop der tijd verschillende computerinstrumenten zijn ontwikkeld om dit probleem te ondervangen, blijkt dat deze in de praktijk nog weinig worden toegepast.

Waarom worden deze instrumenten niet gebruikt? Op grond van een uitgebreid literatuuronderzoek en een enquête onder ruim 120 planologen en verkeerskundigen in Nederland, blijkt dat de huidige instrumenten als ‘niet-bruikbaar’ worden gezien door deze potentiële eindgebruikers [1]. De instrumenten zijn vaak gebruiksonvriendelijk, weinig transparant en niet flexibel in het gebruik. Men verwacht dat de instrumenten ondersteuning bieden bij het ontwikkelen en toetsen van nieuwe ideeën terwijl de instrumenten vooral gericht lijken te zijn (of in ieder geval gebruikt worden) om reeds gemaakte keuzes te onderbouwen. De planners kunnen niet met het instrument spelen, waardoor de inzet bij de strategievorming niet als prettig wordt ervaren.

De hierboven benoemde problemen worden weerspiegeld in een decennialange lijn van academische literatuur die zich richt op de problematische bruikbaarheid van allerlei computerinstrumenten die zijn ontwikkeld om planners te ondersteunen [2]. Een terugkerende kritiek in deze literatuur is dat er een gebrekkige afstemming lijkt te zijn tussen de ontwikkelaars van de computerinstrumenten (bijvoorbeeld consultants, wetenschappers) enerzijds en de potentiële gebruikers ervan (bijvoorbeeld planners, stakeholders) anderzijds [3]. Hierdoor weerspiegelen de instrumenten vaker ‘wat technisch en wetenschappelijk allemaal mogelijk is’ in plaats van ‘wat er praktisch nodig is’. Zoals Lee reeds in 1973 aangaf, moet instrumentontwikkeling beginnen bij ‘a particular policy problem that needs solving, not a methodology that needs applying’. [Meer hier]

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Serious gaming 2.0

IBM is launching a new game to show relations between city politics and environmental and other output effects. More information here.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Belangrijke punten uit regeerakkord 2010


  • Het kabinet komt met een voorstel tot opschaling van het provinciaal bestuur in de Randstad (Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Utrecht en Flevoland), ook om nieuwe bestuurlijke hulpstructuren te voorkomen.
  • Het kabinet komt met voorstellen om bevoegdheden op het gebied van vervoer en infrastructuur van rijk, provincies, regio’s en gemeenten in de Randstad over te dragen aan een te vormen Infrastructuurautoriteit.
  • Het kabinet komt met voorstellen tot afschaffing van de WGR+ en deelgemeenten c.q. deelgemeenteraden.


  • De energietransitie wordt ook in internationaal verband bevorderd.
  • In internationaal verband zet het kabinet in op versterking van het Initiatief Duurzame Handel, met inzet van middelen voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, en uitbreiding hiervan naar CO2-intensieve sectoren.
  • In de Europese Unie richt het kabinet zich onder meer op een CO2-efficiëntienorm voor elektriciteitscentrales, scherpe milieu-eisen aan producten, emissie-eisen aan alle transportmiddelen en een Europees energienet, ook op de Noordzee.
  • Het kabinet zet in op doorlichting van de wereldwijde broeikasgasemissiehandel ten aanzien van de betrouwbaarheid van emissierechten, zoals die uit het Clean Development Mechanism.
  • De energie-infrastructuur blijft in publieke handen.

Bij de aanleg en het onderhoud van de infrastructuur van wegen en openbaar vervoer worden meer voordelen bereikt door het aangaan van nauwere samenwerking tussen overheid en bedrijfsleven.

  • Er start landelijk een groot aantal publiek-private infrastructuurprojecten.
  • De regel dat publiek-private samenwerking in een keer ten laste van de begroting komt, wordt bezien.
  • Aanleg en gebruik van additionele infrastructuur, zoals supersnelwegen, kunnen worden gefinancierd door investeringen van bijvoorbeeld pensioenfondsen en tolheffing. Er komt geen tolheffing voor het gewone wegennet.
  • Er komt een verplichte aanbesteding voor het openbaar vervoer in de drie grootste steden waarbij kwaliteit en goede en actuele reisinformatie wezenlijke onderdelen van de aanbestedingseisen vormen.
  • Het hoofdrailnet verdient een sterke verbetering van kwaliteit en effectiviteit waarbij grote besparingen optreden.

De wijze van besluitvorming door de overheid over de aanleg van infrastructuurprojecten wordt versneld en vereenvoudigd.

  • Het Meerjarenprogramma Infrastructuur Ruimte en Transport (MIRT) wordt verlengd van 2020 naar 2028. Hierbij krijgen brainports, mainports en greenports prioriteit. Provincies en regio’s kunnen MIRT-investeringen voorfinancieren en zullen, volgens te maken afspraken, vaker het voortouw en de eindverantwoordelijkheid hebben. Er komen afspraken met provincies en grote gemeenten over het meebetalen aan infrastructuur, in elk geval voor bovenwettelijke inpassingen.
  • De aanpak van Randstad Urgent (programma bestaande uit een aantal projecten met een gezamenlijke aanpak van problemen in de Randstad op het gebied van o.a. bereikbaarheid, economie en leefomgeving door het kabinet, provincies, gemeenten en stadsregio’s) wordt voortgezet en uitgebreid naar andere delen van het land.
  • Het kabinet voert de adviezen uit van de commissie Versnelling besluitvorming infrastructurele projecten (commissie-Elverding).
  • Het kabinet komt met voorstellen tot bundeling en vereenvoudiging van wet- en regelgeving op het gebied van het omgevingsrecht en versobering en modernisering van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht.

TOD gone wrong: Stuttgart 21 Protests


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Commuting and stress: a clinical trial by a journalist


Americans — and commuters in general — are experiencing ever-greater hurdles during their trips to and from work. Human beings spend an unholy number of collective hours sitting in cars and other vehicles, and pay for it in the form of an even unholier amount of emissions, work hours wasted, and money spent on gas, parking, tolls, and car maintenance. Not to mention overall well-being: According to a Gallup-Healthways poll of over 170,000 employed adults in the U.S., the longer it takes you to get to work, the greater your worry, neck and back pain and cholesterol. Plus there’s the fact that longer commutes also translate to decreased life enjoyment and less sleep.

more at the Infrastructurist

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ruimte en Mobiliteit Meeting 17 September

Presentation of Antonio at Meeting 17 September 2010

 Luca, Andrew, Marco, Thomas,  Guowen, Els, Jan, Paul, Leonie, Antonio  and Wendy (minutes)
Roel, Thomas, Mendel (absent with apologies)

Introductions across (new: Antonio, Leonie)
Update all with congress visits, books, etc.
Marco to present findings from the congresses he attended.
Presentation by Antonio about his CV and research project (replaces Thomas's presentation, postponed to 8 Nov)

Antonio has joined us for 2 years as a post-doc - funding.
Paul is joining us more intensively with us to finish his dissertation.
Former colleague of Guowen is planning to join us. (Yin Min) Same research direction on high speed train. 
2nd Semester we will get a visitor from the US from a Fullbright scholarship (Mike Myers, Georgia Tech, Atlanta). Quantitative, measuring effects of climate changes and policy.
Wendy has completed a book, Megacities for the Megacities Foundation. Ideas to present it at a wider level, PIT, Urban Studies even AISSR.
World HIgh Speed Congress (UIC) in Beijing, Ministry of Railway in China, Guowen wonders if someone is attending.
Paul had 2 workshop in the last weeks. Nice discussion. Paul had an interview with Municipality of Utrecht involved with the Station area. Lodewijk Lacroix is asked to perhaps join us for a meeting/presentation. Somewhere in Nov perhaps on reflection of Stedenbaan / process. 
Idea for different sort of presentations (with feedback of PhD and practice, special meetings with practice partners and interesting speakers). 
Jan was part of one of the workshop of Paul. Workshop was on new ideas for the Zaan corridor, getting more and more focus as possible alternative for Almere. Article can be sent around by Luca. Zaanstad planning department was very interested in keeping contact with academic.
Leonie is writing a new piece of the planning association, discussion societal impact of urbanism from scratch, financial crisis and real estate (To be published soon). Introduced Caroline Altenbourgh to Marco, doing research on climate change and external integration into spatial plans. 
Els announce that confusion between NWO and NICIS PhD to attend 8 Nov conference, there is perhaps not enough room for us except poster presentation. RBAAM in Almere still focusing on the IJ-meer connection. 
Andrew has been organizing  workshop with RuG and UvA for 1st and 2nd year PhD, started in AESOP. Will know by next week definite date. Andrew wrote a paper for CWS dealing with theoretical components about his research and co-ordination of transport and land use.
Antonio has just arrived and is happy to be here.
Marco represented PITs at the book market. Presented some of our research but it seemed to be just for commercial purpose. Discussion ended with publishing dilemmas of researchers.
Luca and  Marco will go the next week to present  COST action. WIll deliver interesting network, try to be at centre of content based on Thomas and Marco's work and initiated by Cecila Silva on accessibility indicators. 
Behavioral aspect of climate change. Networking is the way to complete knowledge, to specialize to have something to offer - Klaartje Mulder. 
Education has just started, 160 first years (unknown mix of planner/geographers). Future model of education could be that Bachelors is focused on Social Sciences with planning as a part of it. Merging of research school could probably lead to more multi-disciplinary rounds.
Luca is on sabbatical, but he just teaches less but spends the hours on research instead. He might want to put his academic experiences in a book.
Marco cannot attend the congresses  

Congress visit:
AESOP (Guowen, Wendy, Els, Leonie, Andrew and Luca attended) will be in Perth next year. A choice has to be made as to who to go due to monetary constraints. Too broad for specific feedback, more for networking. Leonie is president of the planning law and property rights, originated from the tracks but is more focused and gives feedback.
PhD workshop gave good feedback for Els with contacts on her research. The intense focus on her research design was very helpful for her work. Possibility for action participation research seminar from PhD network contacts. Interdisciplinary researches will be interesting to follow more than 1 tracks to widen your network and knowledge.
Luca found that compared to other years, the quality was higher. Good move to make paper compulsory, increases quality. There is a development in the group with the existing and new attendees. The track might do a specific transport workshop before the world congress. 

WCTR, (Andrew and Marco attended) Andrew considered it way too large and difficult to find sessions to attend. Quite quantitative researches. Networking on international level was useful. 

The role of quantitative support systems for decision making processes - workshop attended by ELs in Aalborg, Denmark.
Els will share an interesting article.

Marco suggests that people collect interesting information for dissemination within group. Good to bring in interesting, thought provoking articles, graphs or even books and contact andrew to include it into graph.

Antonio's preliminary ideas for a research project:
- widen association of mobility across fields (culture, academia, land use, economy and finance)
- mobility is so strong that he feels intuitively the (perceived) benefits of mobility should be challenged
- how to develop an integrated solution to build in aspects of wider association, question if mobility is indeed desirable
- transport planner are in the centre of the whole fracas of it all
- why are we not accessibility planners instead?
- to present some PhD work of his

Challenges will be to make such ideas researchable. Approach mobility in representative objects or things at the border of 2 or more discipline. 


Friday, June 18, 2010

Ruimte en Mobiliteit Meeting 18 June 2010

Mendel, Luca, Andrew, Marco, Thomas,  Guowen, Els, Jan, Paul  and Wendy (minutes)

Roel (absent with apologies)


  • Short introductions
  • Announcements
  • Presentation (Andrew): Transition strategies for sustainable integrated transport in the Randstad
  • Presentation (Jan): 'Densification' and infrastructure planning


  • Andrew will take over Els coordinating role for the coming year. Wendy will keep supporting with the website and whenever needed.
  • Thomas has contact with Curtin and Melbourne, to build accessibility models, with aim to build one for polycentric region (OV-Randstad). Thomas arranging funds and Jan Scheuerer will be here in July but based out of Goudappel Coffeng. To ask for presentation opportunity. 
  • Thomas asked by APPM to participate in group to write about accessibility in Randstad, dealing with planning process and improvements.
  • Luca was also involved in Spoorzoneontwikkeling group, possible lobby platform for TOD in Netherlands. 
  • Thomas doing research for railway development for North Holland, in contact with Paul and Wendy.
  • Paul is organizing a workshop in Zaanstad for MRA and perhaps its good to join up efforts. City region has sensitivity towards spatial development. Rotterdam Blaak will be next workshop topic in September - trying to unravel the success factors and together with private stakeholders.
  • Els is going to join a summer course on ex-ante method on evaluation process, followed by a conference in Aalborg, Denmark. Els to pass around information for the group on conference.
  • Wendy will have an evaluation symposium in September for her research project and Leonie Janssen-Jansen will be her other supervisor. To add Leonie to join group.
  • Andrew's research will probably  have JG (from political science) as supervisor as his focus will also be based on transition theory. JG's group is interested in linking transition to transport/mobility issues.
  • Mendel received email from TU Delft, if theme group would like to collaborate on workshops with TU Delft/YA from AESOP/practitioners. Brainstorm & proposals are welcomed. 
  • Martin de Jong is comparing land use planning and decision making (NL vs China) - role of culture in decision making (Institutional transplantation) in Delft at 15:30 on 29th June. 
  • COST action funding approved. COST Project: cross country networking fund. Research will be linked and possible collaboration and publications. Build up for EU funding. Based from AESOP Transport Planning group for YA. Workshops will be held on current accessibility measures used to support land use planning. Partners: 10 countries, open to others now. Structure of workshop to be homogenous and use results for publication. 
  • Post doc advertisement closed this week. All application will be vetted by Marco and Thomas. Appointment has to be soon and for 2 years. International candidate who can easily integrate, possibly participate in new proposals. 
  • Application ongoing for NWO sustainability for cities with W. Salet and TU Eindhoven. 
  • Kevin Chung - visiting researcher from John Forester has arrived. He will do something in Almere. 
  • Possible post-doc from China, but financial issues. Similar topic to Guowen.
  • Carey Curtis will spend sabbatical in 2010 here with group. Luca might join her in Perth for collaboration in 2011. Closest group to us in terms of topic and approach. 
  • Many of the group will be in AESOP in Finland this July. Luca will chair transport track. 10 min presentation and 20 min discussion. Each session is chaired with moderator. There will be transport planning round table at event but possibly coupled with the Airport City excursion. Interesting papers should be put on blog. Luca can send Thomas program of track.
  • World conference on Transport in Lisbon, Portugal. Andrew, Marco and Mendel. 
  • CVS congress deadline. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ruimte en Mobiliteit Meeting 19 March 2010

Roel, Mendel, Luca, Marco, Els, Jan  and Wendy (minutes)


  • Announcements
  • Presentation (Wendy): Results from Interviews/Workshop NICIS KEI: Barriers for Transit Oriented Development in Netherlands
  • Presentation (Els): Theoretical model over technocratic and communicative approach conflict.


  • 15 Apr Railforum Matchmaking - Stakeholders from rail transport (Rail to Tram, Public Organisation) looking for students who are interested and busy with their issues and topics. (http://www.railpedia.nl), good for networking and knowledge exchange.
  • Bachelor thesis (topics: Tram 1 and Amsterdam Habour) needs supervision and to be judged in April.
  • Planning voor Ruimte en Mobiliteit, min 70 students applied. Syllabus has been revolutionized according to criticism from students from the year before (literature list and assignments). Blog will be set up for students as discussion platform and dissemination point (able to leave discussion point, view multimedia bits and track participation). New form of education will be more interactive and students will be judged on new criteria as in module guidebook. Students will be guided with an existing project to make the educational process more concrete and tangible.
  • Marco is promoted. He will begin in 1st April with his new research. 
  • Contact with Programma Spoorzone Ontwikkeling from VROM. Updates will follow.
  • Jan has contact with Vereiniging Deltametropool for the tool SprintStad (serious gaming). Looking together with Paul Chorus to see if it is feasible to make deliverable products. 
  • Verkeer and vervoer congress in Aalborg in end August. PhD workshop in Denmark.
  • COST application in Brussels (Marco & Cecilia from Portugal), to be used for networking and travel costs for research initiatives. Luca is formal chair for this application. 
  • Sustainable cities group in UvA (inter/intra faculty, inter discipline), Luca is leading the Mobility cluster (research and education).  Similar initiative will be set up on national level, with Peter Nijkamp (NWO) leading discovery phase. Inter and trans discipline approach.  Research institutes showing trend of inter/trans-discipline tendencies.
  • Bereikbaarheid Randstad (3e ronde) - 2.5 year for 2 postdocs position. TU Eindhoven submitting an application together with our group. 
  • Restructuring of Bachelor education, chance to identify what is interesting for us. Grouping of certain courses or new educational forms. 
  • AMIDSt is now AISSR, with some concrete changes for the PhD students. More formal steps and products will be required. Compulsory educational courses are missing for planning subjects. Discussion needed what theory and method courses are required. NETHUR can still be pursued. 

Monday, January 25, 2010

Publication of article

Finally, my paper about Mediated Planning Support was published. You can read and refer to it under the following information:
