RUG - UVA Workshop

On 5th November, PhDs and their supervisors from Transport and Mobility groups within the RUG and the UVA in Amsterdam for a whole day research discussion workshop.
UVA: Luca Bertolini, Marco te Brömmelstroet, Leonie Janssen-Jansen, Andrew Switzer, Wendy Tan, Els Beukers, Jan Duffheus, Antonio Ferreira
RUG-FRW: Jos Arts, Taede Tillema, Sander Lenferink, Catherine Maloir, Tim Busscher, Niels Heeres, Tim Busscher
10.45 - 11.00: Coffee/Tea Reception 
11.00 – 11.50: Introduction (Andrew), Presentation on research groups, context, affiliation and research strategies (Luca from UvA and Jos from RUG)
12.00 – 13.00: PhD Presentation 1 (Wendy from UvA and Niels from RUG, with discussion led by Catherine)
13.00 – 13.30: Lunch 
13.30 – 14.30: PhD Presentation 2 (Els from UvA and Catherine from RUG, with discussion led by Andrew)
14.30 – 14.45: Break
14.45– 15.45: Postdoc research tracks (Marco from UvA and Taede from RUG)
15.45 – 16.30: Future collaborations (Catherine and Andrew) 
16.30: Drinks and dinner

We started the day with discussing the general research lines between the two groups as presented by Luca and Jos for UvA and RUG respectively. After a short discussion, the first pair of PhDs (Wendy from UVA and Niels from RUG) gave a presentation on their research concluding with areas of similarities and differences between both research. This was followed by a concluding discussion led by Catherine of RUG. After a lunch break, the second pair (Els from UVA and Catherine from RUG) gave their presentations as well. Andrew from UVA summed up the discussion and we went on to Marco from UVA and Taede from RUG who presented their postdoc trajectories and research interest. In conclusion, results from the open discussions were that there were much similarities within both research group and the day ended with a discussion as to the possibilities and options for further collaboration between the two groups. Concrete plans were made to ensure sustained interest (workshops to be arranged in future around a joint product or debate)


i) why/how
ii) engaging practice partners
i) Governance
ii) Institution(al) change
iii) Complexity

Future actions:
Given the common interest in the joining up of i) practice and academia, ii) knowledge development and iii) PhD research focus; the following collaboration was proposed.
i) Publications (Media/Letters/Professional outlets)
ii) Paper (Articles/Journals)
iii) Research proposal (Funding)
iv) Fieldwork (Method and process)
v) Workshops (Methodology/Theory suited to specific PhD interest between groups NETHUR?)

Next workshop: (tentatively April 2011)
- in Groningen, followed by dinner
- Niels and Wendy will make arrangements
- first version of joint article (Wendy/Niels - perspective on case (NL) from AOA and TOD) to be discussed

Presentations will be available here in the library.

Network of possible collaborations: