Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 37 Discussion

8th September 2009, Amsterdam
We had our very first weekly discussion group at the Mensa at FMG, UvA.


  1. Welcome to Julio
  2. Website/Blog for exchange/communication
  3. Weekly meeting dates
  4. Thanks to Els for organising the monthly meetings
  • Abstract discussed is for an upcoming conference on Railway and Real Estate Development.
  • Comments on abstract include;
  • Els points out that the relationship between land use and transport sector seems to be focused only on the politics and can be better expressed with politics as part of the problem. Theory of interest could be 'Joint Fact Finding', see article in LIBRARY/THEORY.
  • Julio asked if the same criteria for measuring disjointedness across the vertical sectors of the planning authorities will be applied to other related sectors (real estate development, transport operators). Also advised to look at AVE (Alta Velocidad Espanola) for Spanish equivalent of high speed transit corridors.
(to be continued...)
Abstract Discussed

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